Commercial, Residential & Institutional Site Development

Over the years, Flowers & Associates, Inc. has worked with private sector clients to improve upon, design, and construct single family homes, town-homes and condominiums, private estates, apartment developments and more. The site development in residential projects may typically involve a subdivision of property, land planning and jurisdictional agency processing associated therewith. They include design of public or private streets, public water and sewer extensions, private lot and common area grading and drainage, retaining walls, storm drain facilities and public utility services. Depending on the site location, drainage improvements may involve significant natural or lined channel improvements and retention or sediment basins.

We also provide site development services to private and public sector commercial and institutional clients. These types of projects will typically involve design of site grading and surface drainage, vehicular access and parking, retaining walls, storm drain inlets and piping. Frequently, they also include public street frontage improvements (curb, gutter, sidewalk, conform paving) and extension of public water, sewer and storm drain facilities to the site.